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How to Recall your Dreams

Author: Raymond Lee

Everyone dreams. The issue is not, as Shakespeare put it in Hamlet, “to sleep, perchance to dream,” but rather “to dream, perchance to remember.” Some people recall their dreams vividly without any special effort. Others retain a few fleeting images or nothing at all. But no matter how well – or poorly – you have recalled your dreams in the past, if you like to remember them, you can. It is a simply matter of self-training. Dream recall is surprisingly easy. Here are some tips that you can consider doing it.

Don’t Hold Out For The Full Picture. Cling to any dream fragments you recall and jot them down, even if they do not make a coherent story. Over time, memories of disjointed images or scenes expand into memories of entire dreams.

Capture Memories Quickly. Place a pad and pen by your bed before you retire. Whenever you wake up, jot down as much as you can remember of your dreams. The next morning, write up your notes in story form, filling in any details you did not previously jot down. Some people find that using a flashlight rather than turning on a lamp helps them hold onto those fleeting dream memories. Or use a small handheld tape recorder, the kind that records on microcassettes. Dictate what you recall and then write it up the next morning.

Keep A Record. Place your dream write-ups in a journal, with each dream dated and titled. Titles need not be elaborate; all they need to do is reflect the major event or prevailing mood of the dream. After the dream record, include a brief statement summarizing how you are feeling about your life – any significant preoccupations, accomplishments or stressors – and your first impression of what the dream might mean. Reread your dream journal periodically. Over time, you may see patterns emerge and gain new insights into the meaning of your dreams. Because REM periods lengthen during successive sleep cycles, dreams occupy more of sleep as the night progresses and typically become more elaborate. Expect to experience longer dreams toward morning. The easiest dreams to capture are the final ones of each night, the ones that occur shortly before you wake up. If you like to recall your dreams throughout the night, remember that REM periods occur approximately every 90 minutes. Try setting an alarm to wake you one or more times at multiples of 90 minutes from the time you retire. If you have remembered your dreams only rarely, it may take a few months to develop consistent dream recall. Do not get frustrated. There is always another night.

Get Plenty Of Sleep. Adequate rest is essential to good dream recall. In addition, those who feel well-rested cope better with brief wake-ups in the wee hours to record their dreams.

Be Still. When you awaken to record your dreams, move as little as possible. Motion tends to dissipate dream memories.

Talk To Yourself. When you go to sleep, as you get comfortable in bed, declare aloud your intentions: “Tonight I am going to remember my dreams.”

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About the Author:

Raymond Lee is one of the foremost experts in the health and fitness industry and is the Founder of Bodyfixes Group specializing in body health, muscle development and dieting. He is currently the author of the latest edition of "Neck Exercises and Workouts." Visit for more information.

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