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Dream Programming

Author: Jim Francis

The mind does not make an appearance within physical reality, but the brain is based in physical reality. Our dreams occupy the same space as the mind…..that is, no space at all.
The images that appear in dreams appear as "forms" in other realities and they are not restricted by our physical reality rules of time, space and growth. They involve the materialization of spontaneous constructions which would normally not occur in our physical world. Dreams are continuous flowing processes which run continuously in the wide awake and the dream states.
While we are in the wide awake state they run subconsciously. The materializations we create in our dreams have no mass in our physical reality but may have the equivalent of mass in other realities.
In the dream state the personality is molded and changed via actions that do not exist in the physical universe. These dream based subjective events eventually manipulate physical matter and events for the individual concerned, depending upon how they have consciously or subconsciously programmed their dreams.
During the dreaming state your awareness is focused in another reality that is in every way as permanent and valid as the physical reality universe. During sleep only a small amount of your energy is focused in the physical field…..enough to maintain the bodily functions only.
The dream universe is also composed of a molecular structure, but takes up no space as we know it. It is continuous but your awareness of it is normally limited to your sleep/dreaming periods.
The events in the dream reality are as meaningful as the events in your physical world and indeed are interrelated. One affects the other…..and vice versa. This is why it is possible (and extremely easy) to program up dreams which have an almost immediate effect in your physical universe.

The Dream Programming outlined is basically BRAND NEW knowledge ...known only to a small number of Eastern practitioners and a few perceptive Western researchers.
........"the inner senses have an electromagnetic reality and the mental enzymes act as sparks, setting off inner reactions. In the dream state these reactions are easily triggered. A destructive attitude can be changed overnight in the dream state because the whole electromagnetic balance has been changed. Such healing dreams are often triggered automatically when the self feels a sense of desperation. Often there is an almost instantaneous regeneration and spontaneous cure. The same happens in less startling cases where a merely annoying health condition suddenly disappears. Through pre-programmed dreams these therapeutic results can easily be bought about with minimal practice and effort. The use of this dream self-suggestion in bringing about constructive dreams is of great benefit".......
Dreams are one of your greatest natural therapies and your overriding connection between your psychic and material realities. They are usually totally misunderstood and the majority of people are unaware of how dreams can be manipulated to control your body and environment.

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To learn more about dream programming, sign up to our very special 3 part ecourse at dream programming - you'll learn how to program your dreams to discover your purpose in life.

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