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Why Do People Dream and What Cause Them?

Author: Michael McGrath
Why do people dream is not an easy question to answer!

There's differing views that attempt to answer the question "why do people dream?"

There are several scientific and mystical theories as to why people dream but the truth is we really don't know for sure.

A dictionary definition of dreams, and therefore a good starting point for an answer to the question why do people dream, states that dreaming is "a series of images, ideas, emotions, and sensations occurring involuntarily in the mind during certain stages of sleep". Take note though that dreams are not always involuntary and I will return to this point a little later!

Psycho-analysts are fascinated with dreams. Sigmund Freud asked the question why do people dream and saw dreams, in his psychoanalytic model, as repressed or suppressed desires which people hide from themselves in the waking state.

Freud believed that such unexpressed wants were symbolically represented in the dream state in order that a person could express them in a safe way.

There are mystical schools of thought that suggest dreams are your entrance to other worlds or links to past lives!

Many different ancient cultures have tended to have different views and tackled the question why do people dream in different ways. For instance, Aborigines, have very different views. They believe that the dream state is actually reality and when they are awake they are experiencing an illusion.

Why do people dream is a very difficult question to answer I'm afraid to say.

We do know that a dream happens when someone goes into a deep sleep where the brain displays theta brainwaves. The conscious mind may remain inactive during sleep but the subconscious mind is far from inactive. During dreams a person will show this by displaying REM or rapid eye movement.

So why do people dream?

Fundamentally dreams are concepts that get expressed while sleeping. Dreams can show structure or show chaos. Anyone who wants to delve deeper into Freud's view of dreaming can start with a good 'dream meanings' book.

Whatever the answer is to why do people dream you should also be aware of another special type of dream that is voluntary. I am, of course, talking about lucid dreams. Some people can deliberately wake-up in their dreams. When this happens it is a relatively simple task to control the dream and change it into anything you want. This is a fantasy experience and feels like real life. You can transform anyone, experience anything and go wherever you want and research shows that anyone can learn how to do it!

Why do people dream? Hopefully I have given you some intellectual food for thought and you will continue to ask yourself why do people dream until you get an answer that satisfies.

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About the Author:

For more information on why do people dream and dream meanings go to Why Do People Dream. If you want to know more about lucid dreaming or learn how to do it go to Lucid Dreaming

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