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Profile  Of  Cosmic  Coach

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I use my 12 years of experience working with Angels and Guides to help clients find clarity in every situation. Using Lithomancy (crystal reading) and the Crystal Oracle (cards), I provide guidance and insight for the future.


Quantum Tarot, Empath, Lithomancy, Claromancy, Crystal Oracle, Channeling, Akashic Records, Usui Reiki Ryoho, Vedic Karuna Ki, Kagami Reiki, Egyptian Seichim Reiki, Angel Therapy, Angel Readings.


Cosmic Coach has been seeing and talking with Angels and Guides since he was 7. As a teen, it dawned on him the unique connection he had. He prayed for others at his family’s Christian church, and received direct messages and healing energy from Spirit. As a young adult, he became an ordained Christian Minister, and is still attached to the Christian Church today. After mentoring with a remarkable psychic woman, he developed his own tools and began his full-time psychic practice. He now teaches students to incorporate meditation into their daily lives, and lectures on the value of sacred geometry and energy healing. Early on, he was introduced to Archangel Oracle cards, and utilizes the Crystal Oracle to provide even broader information. Lithomancy provides a type of crystal reading performed in a circle, and matrix energy is used as a catalyst for interacting with Angels and Spirit Guides. After the traumatic death of his best friend, 7 years ago, he discovered Reiki--receiving 3 attunements in the Usui Reiki tradition from a Reiki Master. From then on he was hooked! He’s also mastered K'sitew, Seichim, Kagami, and Karuna Ki traditions of energy healing. Cosmic Coach’s never ending journey, to learn more about Divine Love and Wisdom, speaks directly to each client’s unique heart language.


11 years ago, Cosmic Coach began his professional psychic and energy healing practice, utilizing several traditions. He jointly gave accurate readings alongside his mentor, mostly without the use of any tools at all! Over time, he discovered the value of using various techniques, and he began to use Angel Oracle cards in his sessions. He traveled to psychic fairs and new age bookstores, and adopted a successful method of card reading--relying on the Crystal Oracle. These cards became a worthwhile passion for him, and he’s been fascinated by their beauty and energy ever since he was a teenager. They are stunningly illustrated and are a bit different from a regular Tarot set. Alongside the cards, he owned a small set of crystals that were interesting for the metaphysical qualities they possessed. He found the resonant energy in their matrix to be a wonderful method for forecasting the future. For the past several years, he's become an expert on Lithomancy, a type of Cleromancy, utilizing the high vibration of crystals to channel Spirit. Reiki is also a useful tool for clients to gain insight and interactively improve their future. For the past seven years, Cosmic Coach has blended his techniques, providing his clients with a wealth of information from various traditions.


Cosmic Coach is a triple Aries; his tremendous energy and passion to serve others is simply unquenchable! He spent most of his adult life in Missouri, moving to Kansas City to attend a seminary, but has recently moved to Michigan with his fiancé. He values the here and now and seeks love and joy in every moment, appreciating all the little things life has to offer. His nephews' baseball games are a joy to attend, and he loves walks in the park, internet auctions, movies, and the beach. The peak experiences in his life have been fun. But he spent many years living from peak to peak, and now appreciates the value of small scale pleasures. He enjoys some pop culture music, but is not pop culture savvy. He's interested in fantasy, science fiction, spiritual help books, television (thanks to streaming video services), and is a card carrying member of Oprah's book club. Spiritually, he grew up an Evangelical Christian. But as his understanding about the Divine has expanded and evolved over the years, he's drawn upon many traditions, finding Spiritual connection to be profoundly meaningful. Along with energy work, he provides angel therapy, crystal healing, and wisdom readings for clients. Cosmic Coach also practices intuitive art, using watercolors to bring insight and foresight to his many clients.

Visit Cosmic Coach at Psychic Access

I use my 12 years of experience working with Angels and Guides to help clients find clarity in every situation. Using Lithomancy (crystal reading) and the Crystal Oracle (cards), I provide guidance and insight for the future.

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