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Profile  Of  Phoenix

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As a Clairvoyant Mystic, I see images and reels of info like a movie. You will receive detailed messages, connect with loved ones on the other side, and get accurate advice to transform old patterns into achievable goals.


Tarot, Clairvoyance, Mediumship, Empath, Clairsentient, Past Life Readings, Precognition, Radionics, Spiritual Advising, Astrology, Dream Interpretation, Crystals, Theosophy, Women’s Issues, Transforming Patterns, Writing, Psychology, I Ching, Leading Spiritual Groups.


Phoenix has always been psychic. Her first memory was in the crib reaching out to what she felt was God in the sunlight coming through the window. Her Aunt has a favorite story she liked to relate about her niece when she was only six. Phoenix had said to her aunt while pointing at the air, "Do you see those little dots of light there? Those are the fairies' silver dollars!" As a child, she wrote a lot of mystic poetry, and at sixteen, she had a very detailed premonition that saved her life! It was at that same age that her gifts truly expanded, and Phoenix would often receive premonitions about people that came to pass. This happened at the same time she'd been delving into reincarnation, studying Edgar Cayce very closely. Her passion for past-lives launched her on a lifelong path of research on the topic of reincarnation.

In her late teens, many people began to seek her out for counseling, and gradually she began to provide spiritual readings and guidance that led to her eventually deciding to open her own private practice. Phoenix also studied Astrology with well-known astrologer Isabel Hickey, in Boston, from 1975-78. She also studied Theosophy from 1981-83 and read much from the Theosophical Libraries in Wheaton, IL and Madras India, at the Adyar Library and Research Center. She has attended numerous workshops and groups on various metaphysical subjects over the years, such as The Prophets Conferences, and she continues to read extensively. Her undergraduate degrees are in Sociology and Cross-Cultural Studies, choosing these subjects to obtain a world view, to have a good foundation for understanding consciousness, and to help herself and others to be more connected to something higher and more comprehensive.

For much of her life, she's immersed herself in nature as a mystic in contemplation and a scholar of Spiritual thought and action. She has studied and gained knowledge on various cultures which helps her to relate to many people, and to be more accessible as a vehicle for healing. She also began an in-depth study of psychology, to further her counseling and shamanic skills, and she worked on a women's unit in a psychiatric hospital, counseling survivors of childhood abuse. She received a Masters in Psychology in 1996, and in 2011, she became an Ordained Minister of a Spiritualist Church.


Since she was nineteen, Phoenix has given over 14,000 readings on Psychic lines alone, as well as thousands of readings in her private practice and at Psychic Fairs. She has led spiritual groups and served as a minister in the Spiritualist Church. She's counseled several students of the healing arts, over the years, and has ongoing clients of a shamanic-like practice. Her work combines psychodynamic techniques with holistic spiritual techniques that she's developed herself to accelerate healing by transforming ingrained patterns that have become part of the personality and are hard to overcome. As a reader, she's careful to not project a fault pattern a client may have, and to help them see how they can change the future by making better choices. Her brochure states, "Change the future by understanding the past." Phoenix has been fortunate to work as a full time psychic and healing practitioner for the last twenty-two years, and has enjoyed a varied roster of clients from all walks of life. Her most high-profile person was a famous writer and anthropologist she counseled back when she was a student in college studying in London. He, in turn, read her palm--quite an honor! As a boy, he had studied old palmistry books in the British Museum in London and was very convinced it had merit. Phoenix also met Peter and Eileen Caddy, in the early days of Findhorn, and was impressed with their work on nature spirits, which informed her own gardening practices.

Phoneix would characterize herself as a clairvoyant mystic, seeing images and reels of information like a movie—while both asleep and awake--that she believes emanate from the Akashic Records, as the images she receives are both accurate and precognitive. She excels at past life readings and getting messages from people who have crossed over, and is also expert at dream interpretation, both from a psychological as well as psychic perspective. It brings her joy and satisfaction to help people change their direction by making better choices so they can transform unproductive patterns. Her readings offer guidance and help others in a profound and accelerated way that aids their healing. At nineteen, Phoenix began hands on healing, seeing many clients out of her home, and was told she had helped people overcome pain and chronic illnesses. She found her first teacher, a well-known psychic in her area. who became a mentor and helped her to understand her gifts and how to better use them to help others. Under her tutelage, Phoenix expanded her abilities, learned to read auras, give psychic readings, use hands on healing, and she opened her up to cosmic consciousness. Phoenix also assisted her in her work, and learned much in the years from 1971-78. In 1971, she began studying Astrology and the I Ching, and had many spiritual revelations which she used in her private practice.


Phoenix is a Gemini—and very much a spiritual scholar--living in a somewhat remote area with her black and white Tuxedo cat and numerous wild animals she's adopted, including turkeys bears and foxes, who visit her bird feeders. She enjoys a very supportive community to draw on for alternative healing and new age thought, and spends quality time dipping into the mystical depths of spiritual consciousness. She highly values working with nature for harmonious living and has been growing organic fruit trees (orange, lime, fig and olive) and vegetables in her gardens and greenhouse, since 1977. She has seen some miracles in working with All That Is in the plant and animal world and prefers being close to nature as it is the inspiration for her mystic lifestyle. She's been writing poetry since she was a child, and has penned and self-published a fantasy novel about elves from a distant planet who time travel to save the galaxy, which incorporates some of her knowledge about the psychic world. Currently, Phoenix is finishing part two and planning part three in the series.

Visit Phoenix at Psychic Access

As a Clairvoyant Mystic, I see images and reels of info like a movie. You will receive detailed messages, connect with loved ones on the other side, and get accurate advice to transform old patterns into achievable goals.

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